We are proud to offer a number of seminars, workshops, or open practices throughout the year.
Sunday, March 9th, 2025
So many Dog Sports!
Will my dog like it, and what will they have an aptitude for? Will I like it?
This Dog Sports Sampler Series will give dogs and dog sports enthusiasts a chance to Try On a Dog Sport and get an idea of what the sport is all about:
o Give a bit of info about how the sport came to be
o What skills are needed to be successful at the sport
o What trial look like
o Get you started on the first steps into the sport
o Trainer will give you feedback about if this sport is for you and your dog
* Nosework @ 11:00 am
* Rally Obedience @ 12:30 pm
* Urban Rat Race 2:00 pm
You can sign up for one session for $60 per session OR 2 sessions $50 per session OR all 3 sessions $40 per session.
For further information or to register contact us at [email protected]
Payment by e-transfer after you have registered:
[email protected]
Oxford Dog Sports Incorporated
F-907168 Township Road 12, Bright
(Try Blandford-Blenheim Township on your GPS),
Ontario, Canada, N0J 1B0
So you Want to Show Dogs?!!
Intro To Show Handling Boot Camp
Sunday, March 30th 2025
This “boot camp” is ideally suited for dog handlers new to or almost new to the world of showing dogs.
Going to a Dog Show and understanding how they work can be overwhelming, to say the least.
This workshop has been carefully designed to help you better understand how dog shows work and get you “ring ready”.
Topics for this workshop will include:
• What is the difference between organizations that host shows
• Where and how do you enter a show
• What equipment do you need
• What to wear
• What to expect at the show
• Ring etiquette
• Points and what do the ribbons mean
• Stacking, baiting, gaiting and so much more
This workshop will be facilitated by Oxford Dogs Sports Training Director, Owner Handler Sean P Kent.
Sean has been showing many breeds of dogs for 37 years and has earned 162 Best In Shows along the way.
TIME 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
FEE $145
Questions or to Register, contact us at [email protected]
Payment by e-transfer after you have registered:
[email protected]
Oxford Dog Sports Incorporated
F-907168 Township Road 12, Bright (Try Blandford-Blenheim Township on your GPS), Ontario, Canada N0J 1B0
ABIDS/ABI All Breed International Scent Dog Program,
Up Your Nosework Game!
Sunday April 6th, 2025
We at ABI are very pleased to introduce our New Scent Dog Programs.
Four, separate programs are part of our Scent Dog Program (SDP) and are scheduled to roll out in 2025 -2026.
These programs have been in development for the last four years, and we are thrilled to introduce them to the Nosework enthusiasts' community.
This workshop will provide an overview of all four of our new ABI-sanctioned Scent Dog Programs.
This workshop focuses on the first titling event Challenge Games. Challenge games are a great complement to Nosework programs that are currently being offered by other organizations. Challenge Games offers 10 different games carefully built to strengthen, develop, and refine skills needed to be successful in all Nosework Programs.
These games are ideally suited for dogs training at and/or trialing at the Superior level and will provide the opportunity to develop all important skills needed to be successful at these levels as well as the highest levels of Nosework. Many of the games provide a challenge for Elite-level dogs and provide ongoing challenges for trialing dogs at the Elite level and beyond.
Come and find out about this new and exciting Scent Dog Sport.
Stay tuned for Trials scheduled in the Summer of this year!
* Oxford Dog Sports Incorporated
F-907168 Township Road. 12,
Bright (Try Blandford-Blenheim Township on your GPS), Ontario, Canada N0J 1B0
* Sunday April 6th, 2025
* 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
* The first 10 dogs to register will get this workshop free of charge
* For Questions or to Register at [email protected]
* Fees $95
* Payment by e-transfer to [email protected] after you have registered
ODS Oxford Dog Sports Nosework Gallery
Our latest and best Nosework photos
We love to take pictures and show them to the world.
Ami and Nyx about to search containers
Davie searching outside
Nellica searching outside
Charlie Bear looking for the scent
Our Nellica decided from a very young age, that this was going to be her standard indication to tell her handler that she found it
Sean Kent is a UKC United Kennel Club Nosework Judge. ODS hosts UKC Nosework Trials. In 2025, we will also be launching our ABIDS Nosework program!
URR Urban Rat Race Gallery
Our latest and best photos
We love to take pictures and show them to the world.