We are proud to offer a number of seminars and workshops throughout the year.


Saturday, February 1st, 2025
Introduction to Nosework workshop (Try It Day)

WHEN?  Saturday February 1st, 2025

WHAT TIME?  10:00 am to 12:30 pm

WHAT IS NOSEWORK? Nosework is one of the most popular sports around, and it’s easy to see why! It’s fun for humans, dogs love to participate, and it’s good for building confidence and focus in dogs.

Nosework provides an excellent opportunity for dogs and handlers to build partnerships and trust. Nosework is great for puppies to build confidence and retired dogs who still want to work; it provides fun and challenges for dogs and handlers alike.

This workshop will get you started and determine if your dog has an aptitude for the work.

WHY HURRY? Limited # of dogs and handlers


HOW DO I REGISTER? For further information or to register contact us at [email protected] 

* Preregistration is required

Urban Rat Race – Try It Day!
Saturday February 1st, 2025
@ 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Urban Rat Race is a new sport sanctioned by ABIDS All Breed International Dog Sports which has taken Oxford Dog Sports by storm.

This new sport has become wildly popular at ODS and is starting to grow across Ontario. The Workshop is a great way to try it out.


WHO? Dogs with little or no rat sport experience

WHAT? Urban RAT Race is a new and exciting program to determine the abilities of all breeds of dogs to indicate that they have located a rat in an “urban” environment. In a nutshell, this sport is Nosework for Rats.

Dogs and handlers will have the opportunity to hear what Urban Rat Race is all about and try on this great new sport.
* Preregistration is required

WHERE? Oxford Dog Sports 907168 Township Road #12, Bright, (Try Blandford-Blenheim on your GPS) Ontario, Canada N0J 1B0

WHEN? Saturday February 1st • 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm 

*Limited Number of spots available

HOW DO I REGISTER? [email protected]

ODS Oxford Dog Sports Nosework Gallery

Our latest and best Nosework photos

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

Ami and Nyx about to search containers

Davie searching outside

Nellica searching outside

Charlie Bear looking for the scent

Our Nellica decided from a very young age, that this was going to be her standard indication to tell her handler that she found it

Sean Kent is a UKC United Kennel Club Nosework Judge. ODS hosts UKC Nosework Trials. In 2025, we will also be launching our ABIDS Nosework program!

URR Urban Rat Race Gallery

Our latest and best photos

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

Meeting a rat for the first time

Discovering a rat in a "clear" tube

Chikki and Pagan hunting for rats

Mom! I found it!

Beckett is sure it's here!

ABIDS All Breed International Dog Shows sanctions URR Trials at ODS. In 2025, Bluewater Dog Sports in Sarnia and Focused Dog Training Niagara will also hosting URR Trials!