Learn more about what we do
List of 2025 events at a glance
We are very busy at Oxford Dog Sports!
We host a number of events including, but not limited to, ABIDS Conformation, UKC Conformation, UKC Rally Obedience, UKC Obedience, UKC Nosework, ABIDS Urban Rat Race, ABIDS Country Rat Race, ...
January 24-25-26
ABI Sparkle Plenty Show
1 x Shows Friday @ 6:30 pm
3x Shows Sat ( 9:00 am –11:00 am – 1:00 pm)
2 x Shows Sun (concurrently @ 9:00 am
February 15-16 Conformation ABI
3x Shows Sat ( 9:00 –11:00 – 1:00)
2 x Shows Sun (concurrently @ 9:00
Saturday, March 22nd
Conformation ABI
ABI- Wild Wild West Show
3x Shows Sat ( 9:00 –11:00 – 1:00)
Saturday April 26th Conformation ABI
ABI Denim & Diamonds Show
3x Shows Sat ( 9:00 –11:00 – 1:00)
Sat May 24 – Sun May 25th
Conformation - Rally - Obedience UKC
UKC Spring Spectacular
2 x Shows Saturday with staggered start time
(Show 1 @ 8:30 am & Show #2 @ 10:00 am)
2 x Shows Sunday with staggered start time
(Show 1 @ 8:30 am & Show #2 @ 10:00 am)
June 20-21-22 Conformation ABI
ABI Show
Backyard BBQ – Cook-Off
1 x Shows Friday @ 6:30
3 x Shows Sat (9:00 –11:00 – 1:00)
2 x Shows Sun (concurrently @ 9:00
Sunday, July 20th
Conformation ABI
ABI Beach Party Show
3x Shows Sat ( 9:00 –11:00 – 1:00)
September 19-20-21
Conformation + Rally + Obedience + Nosework UKC
UKC Extravaganza
2 x Conformation Shows FRIDAY with staggered start time
(Show 1 @ 8:30 am & Show #2 @ 10:00 am)
2 x Shows SATURDAY with staggered start time
(Show 1 @ 8:30 am & Show #2 @ 10:00 am)
2 x Conformation Shows SUNDAY SATURDAY with staggered start time
(Show 1 @ 8:30 am & Show #2 @ 10:00 am)
** 1 x Total Dog BIS each day
Friday 2 x Rally
Saturday 1 x Rally & 1 x Obedience
Sunday 1 x Rally & 1 x Obedience
**Start Times to be decided
2 x Nosework Containers & Exterior
2 x Nosework Containers & Exterior
2 x Nosework Containers & Exterior
** Start times to be decided
Saturday, October 4th
ABI Sipping Cider
3x Shows Sat (9:00 –11:00 – 1:00)
Sun Nov 16th
ABI PJ Party Dog Show
3x Shows Sat (9:00 –11:00 – 1:00)
Sat Dec 6th
Sun Dec 7th
2 x Shows Saturday
Show #1 8:30
show #2 to follow show #1
2 x Shows Sunday
Show #1 8:30
show #2 to follow show #1
Sat 13 Sun December 14th
ABI Jingle All The Way Show
3x Shows Sat ( 9:00 –11:00 – 1:00)
2 x Shows Sun (concurrently @9:00)
Sunday December 14th
ABI Show of Shows
The Show of Shows will run after Shows 1 & 2 have completed
FOR MORE DETAILS ON EACH EVENT PLEASE HAVE A LOOK FURTHER DOWN THIS PAGE (Adding details as they are developed by our team)
What is dog conformation?
Wikipedia defines Dog Conformation as: "A dog show is an animal show, an event where dogs are exhibited. A conformation show, also referred to as a breed show, is a kind of dog show in which a judge, familiar with a specific dog breed, evaluates individual purebred dogs for how well the dogs conform to the established breed type for their breed, as described in a breed's individual breed standard.[1]
Dog shows can be in the means of evaluating dogs for breeding purposes. A conformation championship from a recognized national kennel club is generally considered as an indication of merit. Many breeders consider championships a prerequisite for breeding. Some critics argue that the shows can encourage selective breeding of traits and lower genetic diversity.
The first modern conformation dog show was held in Newcastle Town Hall in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, in June 1859."
The UKC (United Kennel Club) definition of Conformation states: "A Conformation event is a competition for purebred dogs where the dog is evaluated based upon how closely the dog conforms to its breed standard. This type of event is beneficial to both exhibitors who seek an evaluation of their dog’s conformation and breeders who wish to enhance their breeding programs by selecting dogs that encompass the function, temperament, and physical attributes of the breed." https://www.ukcdogs.com/docs/rulebooks/conformation-rulebook-revised.pdf
The AKC (American Kennel Club) definition of Conformation states: "Conformation events range from large all-breed shows, with over 3,000 dogs entered, to small local specialty club shows that feature only one breed. The official term for dog shows is conformation — as in, the act of conforming or producing conformity. While a dog show may look like a beauty pageant, it’s not. Dogs are not being compared to each other; they’re being measured by how closely they conform to the standard of their particular breed. Why? Because the closer a dog’s appearance is to the breed’s standard, the better that dog’s ability will be to produce puppies that meet the standard. It’s also the reason why mixed breeds and spayed or neutered purebreds are ineligible to compete in conformation.
The CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) definition of Conformation states: " A competitive exhibition for dogs at which dogs are judged in accordance with an established standard of perfection for each breed wherein championship points are awarded. May be for all breeds, or for a single breed or group of breeds (Specialty Show)."
ABIDS (All Breed International Dog Shows) is not a dog registry. We recognize dogs registered in various dog registries including but not limited to FCI ("Fédération Cynologique Internationale"), AKC American Kennel Club, UKC United Kennel Club, CKC Canadian Kennel Club. We also recognize rare breed dogs as well.
* * *
Don's forget that when you enter a Dog Conformation Show, you are paying for a judge's opinion of your dog on that day among that group of dogs in the ring.
You will hopefully notice and appreciate how certain dogs show interest and enthusiasm in the ring; on top of their form, structure, muscle tone, movement, temperament, conformity to the breed standard, and aptitude to do the job they were originally bred for.
All Breed International Dog Shows and Performance Events at
Oxford Dog Sports Incorporated!
At ABIDS, we strive to promote an environment where you can show your dog and have it be about your dog.
A friendly environment where people care about you and your dog.
Dog Conformation was created to hopefully better the breed.
Sean and I wanted to recreate a dog show like dog shows used to be; a fun, and supportive environment where it's all about the dog, not politics aimed at improving someone's status or position and are typically considered to be devious or divisive.
At ABIDS, it's ok to be happy for someone else's success. It's ok to encourage a newbie to this world of show dogs.
We are not saying it's perfect but I assure you, we work really hard to promote a positive memorable experience for all.
At ODS, we offer ABIDS Conformation, ABIDS Scent Detection, Urban Rat Race, and Country Rat Race Trials
ODS Oxford Dog Sports is an official UKC club
A Kalamazoo, Michigan-based company founded in 1898, United Kennel Club is the largest all-breed performance-dog registry in the world, registering dogs from all 50 states and 25 foreign countries.
Celebrating the unique Total Dog philosophy, UKC events highlight the instincts and heritage of dogs that look and perform equally well, as more than 60 percent of its annually licensed events are tests of hunting ability, training, and instinct.
United Kennel Club prides itself on its family-oriented, friendly, educational events, welcoming both purebred dogs and dogs of unknown ancestry.
History of UKC
February 10, 1898 His own American Pit Bull Terrier, Bennett’s Ring, was among representatives of the original fifteen recognized breeds and was assigned UKC registration number 1.
His emphasis was on the working dog, a concept now known at UKC as the ‘Total Dog’. United Kennel Club originally operated out of the Bennett household. For many years, Bennett maintained outside employment, running UKC on his own time.
Eventually it became necessary to separate the office into a section of his home and hire some office help.
What Makes Us Different?
UKC’s emphasis on the owner-handler-breeder and their dogs creates an inclusive, fun, and educational environment. Our comprehensive event opportunities highlight dogs’ instinct and heritage while encouraging the human-canine bond.
Amiable competition lends integrity to all UKC titles and degrees, furthering the virtue of every UKC pedigree. Through our registry services, performance and hunting events, and experienced staff committed to accurate and helpful customer service, UKC strives to promote Real Dogs for Real People.
At ODS, we offer UKC Conformation, Rally Obedience, Obedience, and Nosework Trials. (Rally Obedience classes and Nosework classes)
Learn more about what it means...
UKC has supported the Total Dog philosophy through its events and programs for over a century. Essentially, the UKC world of dogs is a working world. That's the way it was developed in 1898, and that's the way it remains today.
A Total Dog displays equal parts Function, Temperament, and Structure. Total Dog is a way to showcase dogs who look and perform equally well. The UKC Total Dog philosophy places an emphasis on dogs who shine in multiple venues, such as displaying the gait appropriate for their breed type while in the show ring, and then using that superb construction to effortlessly run full speed in a Lure Coursing race.
A sound, well-bred, well-adjusted dog can easily transition from the show ring to a performance event. They have the looks to excel as a proper specimen of their breed, while also having the brains and ability to perform athletically in a variety of sporting events.
To earn a Total Dog award, dogs must qualify in both conformation and an eligible performance event on the same day.
Your Total Dog could win $10,000 at the UKC Total Dog Invitational. The Total Dog Invitational is by invitation only.
To qualify for a invitation to this event, dogs must earn a Total Dog award at a Regional Qualifying Event (RQE).
UKC Classics are considered RQEs. UKC clubs that are planning an event featuring conformation plus a performance event may apply to be considered an RQE.
A total of 12 RQEs are held throughout the year.
Whether your dream is $10,000 or simply proving that your dog is a Total Dog at any show you attend, participating in both performance and conformation is a great way to accomplish something unforgettable your well-rounded dog.
Honor to whom honor is due
Total Dogs are deserving of recognition! Through events and programs highlighting the Total Dog, we give Honor to Whom Honor is Due®.
Dive into the world of EagerDog!
Our platform offers seamless event management and hassle-free online registrations.
Wave goodbye to tedious paperwork and embrace streamlined organization. Tailored for both local clubs and national associations, EagerDog understands your needs!
FYI, you can pay by credit card!
Need help?
Contact [email protected]
or [email protected] for EagerDog support with events at Oxford Dog Sports
N.B. Now available with ABIDS events as well!
2025 Events!!!
Come and join us!
February 22, 2025
Open Rat Practice
Saturday, Feb 23rd 2025 @ 2:30 pm
Get ready for the trial on Sunday, Feb 23rd 2025
Contact [email protected] to register and send your payment of $30 to [email protected]
Bright, ON
February 23, 2025
ABI, All about the Rats– Urban Rat Race Trial
Sunday, February 23rd 2025 @ 10:00 am
Open – February 2nd, 2025
Pre-Entries Close – February 20th, 2025
Trial #1
Judging Team – TO BE ANNOUNCED
Ring #1
10:00 am
Element: Tubes
Element: Fantastic 5
Element: Unobstructed
Element: Obstructed
Trial #2
Judging Team – To BE ANNOUNCED
Ring #2
10:00 am
Element: Team
Element: Fantastic 5
Element: Unobstructed
Element: Obstructed
Trial Secretary: Amanda Mercanti
Show Chair:
Lisa C.
Chief Steward:
François Ginchereau
1. Dogs must have completed the previous level to move up. For example, you must have completed Rookie Tubes to enter Clever Tubes
2. Entry forms will be on the Facebook page, in the document section of the page
and at Oxford Dog Sports
3. If you competed last season but don't remember what your dog has completed, you can contact us at [email protected]
Pre-Entry $25 per run
**Send fees to [email protected]
Bright, ON
March 16, 2025
URR Urban Rat Race Trial
Sunday March 16th, 2025
Pre-Entries Open – March 1st, 2025
Pre-Entries Close – March 13th, 2025
Trial #1
Judging Team – TO BE ANNOUNCED
Ring #1 – 10:00 am Element: Team
Element: Obstructed
Element: Obstructed
Trial #2
Judging Team – To BE ANNOUNCED
Ring #2 - 10:00 am
Element: Obstructed
Element: Obstructed
Trial Secretary: Amanda Mercanti
Show Chair: Lisa C
Chief Steward: François Ginchereau
1. Dogs must have completed the previous level to move up. For example, you must have completed Rookie Tubes to enter Clever Tubes
2. entry forms will be on the Facebook page, in the document section of the page
and at Oxford Dog Sports
3. If you competed last season but don't remember what your dog has completed, you can contact us at abipointcheck@gmail.com
Pre-entry $25 per run
**Send fees to [email protected]
Bright, ON
March 22, 2025
Saturday March 22nd, 2023
Entries open: February 17th, 2025
Entries close:
March 18th , 2025
Saturday, March 22nd 2025
Show #1
Diane Kirsopp 9:00am
Show #2
Doug Walker not before 11:00 am
Show #3
Paul Petrie not before 1:00 pm
• An electronic link will be available in the link for this event once entries have opened
• Entry fees to [email protected]
$25 with Eagerdog OR
$30 with Google
Non-licensed events $15
Indoor Show
• The Theme of the Show is WILD WILD WEST: Please, come dressed in your best western attire.
A prize will be offered each day
• Veterans' entry is free with entry in the regular classes
• Top Dog will be awarded for the day
* STAR Testing will be offered at this show, between 9:00 am and 11:00 am on Saturday
* A limited number of spots will be available
* S.T.A.R will be offered at $20 for dogs who have entered the Show,
$25 for those who have not.
Oxford Dog Sports Incorporated
F-907168 Township Road 12, Bright (Try Blandford-Blenheim on your GPS) Ontario, Canada
N0J 1B0
Bright, ON
March 23, 2025
UKC March Madness Nosework Trial
Jessica King and Sean Kent
Trial 1
Trial 2
What to expect:
Vehicles and Interiors will run Elite to novice.
Containers will run novice to Elite.
***If you can spare your vehicle while you are at the trial it will help make everything run smoothly!
Lots of room for crating inside***
Trials will start at 8:30 am,
briefing at
8:15 am
Entries Open now,
Close March 21st 11:59PM.
Entry Fees:
* Enter on www.eagerdog.com $30/run https://www.eagerdog.com/e/n4xnob
* Emailed entries $35/run [email protected]
No day of show entries.
We are having a potluck as well at the trial! Bring your favorite dish to share. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Bright. Ontario